Dear readers, is a Christian black CPA’s take on financial literacy. I noticed something missing from financial literacy: The Gospel. I dream of one day teaching my kids about how the Gospel impacts the food, fitness, and finances of our lives. When I’m not working as an accountant, I study words (through reading), with a heavy emphasis on His precepts (the Bible).

What is the motivation behind this platform?

What I have done to this point is a failure in my eyes! Often I feel behind in my career. That could be due to comparison (to successful business owners under the age of 30) or the fact that as a millennial, I need IT now. My IT was to become a CFO of a Fortune 500 company (before the age of 30). ‘Was’ because that goal has shifted a little despite having achieved some of my career goals of becoming a CPA & working downtown in a major city. My IT or my “big why” is now threefold. Though it would be a lofty achievement, I desire to retire my wife before her 40th birthday, match or exceed my W2 income, & live in financial freedom. Aiming to break into a new industry or career field? Consider building a platform where you can essentially give yourself the experience. In my case, I am passionate about teaching accounting and personal finance and believe I can provide value in this space.

Mid-Year Update: 
Can I motivate/convince/excite you about financial fitness in 500 words or less?

That will be the aim in moving forward. The goal is to post twice a week. Expect book reviews (from books that impacted me this year), album reviews (from albums that I have enjoyed the past few years), food, fitness, & how the Gospel transcends financial fitness.  Expect bad/unfinished poems that I have (partially) written, but have been too afraid to release.